Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of heavily cold-rolled Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy sheet.

Autor: Liang, YongFeng, Ye, Feng, Lin, JunPin, Wang, YanLi, Zhang, LaiQi, Chen, GuoLiang
Zdroj: SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences; Apr2010, Vol. 53 Issue 4, p1008-1011, 4p
Abstrakt: Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy has excellent soft magnetic properties, but it is hard to be cold-rolled due to appearance of ordered phases in this alloy. In this paper we report that ultra thin Fe-6.5wt%Si sheet of 0.05 mm thick was obtained by heavily cold rolling. By means of optical microscope, micro-hardness indenter, instron, SEM and X-ray diffraction, the effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of this alloy sheet was investigated. The heavily cold-rolled sheet exhibits some extent of ductility. The ultimate tensile strength reaches 1.93 GPa. After heat treatment, micro-hardness is decreased and the ductility is lost, especially at temperature above 650°C when recrystallization takes place. The reason for decreasing the ductility lies in the ordered DO phase transformation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index