Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Exophiala jeanselmei treated with wide surgical excision and posaconazole: case report.

Autor: Aranegui, Beatriz, Feal, Carlos, García, Celia Posada, Batalla, Ana, Abalde, Teresa, Álvarez ‐ Martínez, Mónica, de la Torre, Carlos
Zdroj: International Journal of Dermatology; Feb2013, Vol. 52 Issue 2, p255-256, 0p, 2 Color Photographs
Abstrakt: The article presents a case study of a 36-year-old man from Ghana, who was presented with an enlarging plaque on his left knee. Incisional biopsy revealed suppurative granulomatous inflammation with abscessification affecting his dermis and hypodermis. The patient underwent surgery after two weeks of treatment with itraconazole. The article discusses the presence of Exophiala jeanselmei as the cause of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis.
Databáze: Complementary Index