Predicting The Performance Parameters of In2S3/MEH-PPV Heterojunction Using Photoluminescence Technique.

Autor: Poornima, N., Menon, M. R. Rajesh, Kartha, C. Sudha, Vijayakumar, K. P.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 7/16/2011, Vol. 1349 Issue 1, p457-458, 2p
Abstrakt: Photoluminescence (PL) technique has been put into use for analysing In2S3/MEH-PPV heterojunction for the first time. Strong luminescence of the polymer absorber MEH-PPV has been exploited here to predict the properties of the cell. The underlying theory is the dependence of PL intensity on quasi Fermi level separation, which is a measure of the open-circuit voltage. Predicted voltages from PL were very much in communion with those obtained from J-V measurements. Thus the choice of PL for noninvasive analysis of solar cells can be justified from the present work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index