Development Of X-ray Lasers For Radiographic And Other Applications.

Autor: Keenan, R., Lewis, C. L. S., Topping, S. J., Wark, J. S., Wolfrum, E.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2002, Vol. 641 Issue 1, p160, 6p
Abstrakt: Saturated outputs for the Ne-like Ge and Ni X-ray Lasers (XRLs) at 196 and 231 Å respectively are now routinely produced at RAL from long single targets. The pumping configuration of ∼ 100 ps pulses and a new simpler pump beam arrangement has been optimised with a typical XRL output of 3 mJ. Optimum coupling of the drive beams has been demonstrated through imaging of the XRL showing that target displacement of ∼100 µm is needed. The output of the Ni XRL has been characterised and maximised with a view to applications of X-ray lasers such as Non-linear Optics and Thomson scattering. The Ge XRL was optimised to carry out radiography of Aluminium foils driven by optical laser radiation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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