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Created in 1967 for strong motion recording, the seismic network of the National Institute for Building Research, INCERC, is, at present, the largest in Romania, consisting of almost 100 instruments, distributed all over the country. Other seismic networks operating in Romania are the network of the National Institute for Earth Physics, INFP, and the network of the National Center for Seismic Risk Reduction, CNRRS. Data sharing among these networks is performed under permanent collaboration agreements. A presentation of the INCERC strong motion network and of the use of recorded data in some of the most recent earthquake engineering studies performed at INCERC is made, with focus on topics as: attenuation and propagation of seismic waves during strong Vrancea earthquakesVrancea earthquakes , evaluation and mapping of the spatial distribution of various quantities of interest for structural design, studies on seismic demands on buildings, assessment of the distribution of damagedamage indices. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |