Antiferromagnetic TiFe2 in applied fields: experiment and simulation.

Autor: Martins, T. B., Rechenberg, H. R.
Zdroj: Icame 2005 (9783540498520); 2007, p1273-1277, 5p
Abstrakt: Mössbauer spectra of a powdered TiFe2 sample were measured under different applied fields and the results were compared to simulated spectra obtained by minimizing the total energy of a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. In order to reproduce experimental results a highly textured distribution had to be assumed, the local anisotropy axis lying mostly perpendicular to the applied field. Thus, magnetic alignment of AF grains by an external field was demonstrated. In addition, exchange and anisotropy fields for TiFe2 at T∼0 K have been determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index