Abstrakt: |
GASTON VAN BULCK, S.J., Beiträge zur Methodih der Völkerkunde. 8vo, pp. viii. + 256. Wien: Universitäts-Institut für Völkerkunde (Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, vol. ii), 1931. Price Rm. 10. Reviewed by Theodore Besterman. OCEANIA. A Journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Published for the Australian National Research Council by Macmillan & Company, Ltd., Melbourne and London. Volume II, Sept. 1931–June 1932. Reviewed by Beatrice Blackwood. ORIGINS OF SACRIFICE. By E. O. JAMES. London : John Murray, 1933. 10s. 6d. net. 9″ x 6″. Pp. 314+xvi. Reviewed by R. R. Marett. HANDWÖRTERBUCH DES DEUTSCHEN ABERGLAUBENS. Heruasgegeben von E. HOFFMANN-KRAYER u. H. BÄCHTOL STÄUBLI. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin and Leipzig, 1931. 7″ x 10½″. Band IV, 1584 columns. Reviewed by M. Gaster. A HISTORY OF ANCIENT MEXICO. By FRAY BERNARDINO DE SAHAGUN. Translated by FANNY R. BANDELIER. (Fisk University Press, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.) Reviewed by Richard C. E. Long. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |