Food Consumption Trends in the Pacific Rim.

Autor: Nielson, Noel, Lu, Yao-chi, Colling, Phil
Zdroj: Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing; Dec1992, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p31-52, 22p
Abstrakt: The growing affluence of the Pacific Rim countries has changed food consumption patterns. Diets in the region have become more diverse and well-balanced nutritionally. Western-style foods are becoming increasingly popular and available to people in the region. The rapid growth of fast-food chains and supermarkets present U.S. agricultural exporters with a myriad of opportunities for exporting food products to the Pacific Rim. Food producers who are willing to modify their products to the tastes of Pacific Rim consumers will have the most success. By reformulating food products and developing new packaging technologies more high-value foods can be sold in the Pacific Rim. U.S. food processors must also develop improved methods of processing traditional foods eaten by people in the region into more convenient forms. Finally, it is important for U.S. agricultural exporters to keep a close watch on the changing trends in food consumption in the region in order to stay competitive and increase their opportunities for entering new markets. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index