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Changing Currents in Anglo‐Saxon Studies. An Inaugural Lecture by DOROTHY WHITELOCK, Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo‐Saxon in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1958. 32 pp. Price 3s. 6d. net. The English Syntactical Type One the Best Man and its Occurrence in other Germanic Languages. By TAUNO F. MUS‐TANOJA. (Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, XX, 5, 1958.) 55 pp. THOMAS DEKKER, Le Jour de Fête des Cordonniers (The Shoemakers Holiday) suivi de L'Abécédaire des Benêts (The Guis Hornbook). Introduction, Traduction et Notes par J. LOISEAU. (Collection Bilingue des Classiques Etrangers.) Aubier, Editions Montaigne, 1957. Charles Dickens and Appropriate Language. By RANDOLPH QUIRK. Inaugural Lecture in the University of Durham. 1959. 26 pp. Wittenwiler's ‘Ring’ and the Anonymous Scots Poem ‘Colkelbie Sow’: Two Comic‐Didactic Works from the Fifteenth Century. Translated by GEORGE FENWICK JOKES. (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures, 18.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956. xii + 246 pp. $4.50 (paper), 5.50 (cloth). Chaucer and the Horse. By A. A. DENT. (Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, December 1959.) 12 pp. A History of the English Language. By G. L. BROOK. (The Language Library, edited by Eric Partridge.) London: André Deutsch. 1958. 224 pp. Price 15s. net. On the Linguistic Study of Languages. An Inaugural Lecture by W. S. ALLEN, Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1957. 30 pp. Price 3s. 6d. Der literarische Mord. Eine Untersuchung über die englische und amerikanische Detektivliteratur. Von FRITZ WÖLCKEN. Nürnberg: Nest‐Verlag, 1953. 348 pp. Chaucers Stellung in der Mittelalterlichen Literatur. ( Britannica1 et Americana, Band I.) By J. W. KLEINSTÜCK. Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter & Co. 1956. 159 pp. Price DM12.—. The Essential Shakespeare. A Biographical Adventure. By J. DOVER WILSON. Cambridge: at the University Press. 1960. viii + 148 pp. Price 8/6. William Cowper: Nature Poet. By RODERICK HUANG. London: Oxford University Press, on behalf of the University of Malaya. 1957. viii + 152 pp. Price 18s. net. Studies in Heroic Legend and in Current Speech. By KEMP MALONE. Edited by S. EINARSSON and N. E. ELIASON. Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger. 1959. 297 pp. Price Dan. kr. 48.— (bound in cloth Dan. kr. 56.—). SAMLA Studies in Mitton: Essays on John Milton and his Works by Members of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Edited by J. MAX PATRICK. University of Florida Press (Gainesville), 1953. xvi + 197 pp. Paperbound. $3.50. Letters of Alexander Pope. Selected and with an Introduction by JOHN BUTT. (The World's Classics 574.) Oxford University Press. 1960. xxviii + 384 pp. Price 8s. 6d. net. The Novello — Cowden Clarke Collection. The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. 1955. Pp. 20. Price 2s. A Survey of English Institutions. By C. A. BODELSEN. Sixth Edition. København: H. Hagcrup. 1960. 224 pp. Price D.Kr. 15.65. The Government and Institutions of England. By C. A. BODELSEN. Sixth Edition. København: H. Hagerup. 1959. 60 pp. Price D.Kr. 5.50. The Paris Manuscript of Walter Hilton's ‘Eight Chapters on Perfection’. Edited by FUMIO KURIYAGAWA. Tokyo, 1958. 36 pp. CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE, De Warachtighe Historie van Doctor Faustus. Treurspel in Twee Delen. Opgevoerd op het Gerecht te Leiden ter gelegenheid van het 77e Lustrum der Universiteit door het Leidsche Studenten Toneel in de bewerking van Dr. A. G. H. BACHRACH en DOLF VERSPOOR en onder regie van CRUYS VOORBERG. Den Haag: Bert Bakker/Daamen N.V. 1960. (Dubbele Ooievaar 122/123.) 253 pp. The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined. An Analysis of Cryptographic Systems Used as Evidence that Some Author Other than William Shakespeare Wrote the Plays Commonly Attributed to Him. By WILLIAM F. FRIEDMAN & ELIZEBETH S. FRIEDMAN. Cambridge University Press. 1957. xvii + 303 pp. Price 25s. net. ’Pride of Reason in the Restoration and earlier Eighteenth Century. By IRÉNE SIMON. (Langues Vivantes No. 55.) [Bruxelles:] Marcel Didier, Editeur, [n. d.] 50 pp. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |