Retail Specialization of Central Business Districts.

Autor: Reynolds, Robert B.
Zdroj: Journal of the American Institute of Planners; Nov1960, Vol. 26 Issue 4, p313-316, 4p
Abstrakt: The degree and direction of retail specialization were measured for each of 90 CBD's, using data on retail sales from the 1954 Census of Business. A wide range (338) of retail specialization was found among the CBD's, as well as diverse directions, although the general merchandise and/or apparel-accessories groups appeared as a direction of specialization in every CBD studied. A decided tendency for the larger-city CBD's to be more specialized than the smaller-city CBD's was noted. Case studies of outstanding exceptions to this rule, for example, Allen-town and Louisville, might reveal hitherto unsuspected characteristics of these CBD's with planning implications. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
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