Abstrakt: |
Degradation of dicyandiamide (DCD) was assayed in laboratory studies at 8, 15, and 22 C in a Decatur silt loam and in a Norfolk loamy sand. Dicyandiamide was very short lived at 22 C, with half‐lives of 7.4 and 14.7 days in the Decatur and Norfolk soils, respectively. In the Norfolk soil at 8 C, half‐life increased to 52.2 days. In a nitrificaton study of both soils at 22 C, 80 mg (NH4)2SO4‐N kg‐1 of soil was applied with 20 mg DCD‐N kg‐1 of soil and 100 mg kg‐1 (NH4)2S04‐N was added with 5% nitrapyrin. Distinct lag phases preceded zero order nitrification with the inhibitor treatments. Lag periods were 2 and 2.6 times the half life of DCD in the degradation study for Decatur and Norfolk soils, respectively. Like most nitrification inhibitors, the effectiveness of DCD decreases with increasing temperature. In the Norfolk loamy sand, nitrification inhibition by DCD was equal to nitrapyrin for up to 42 days, but in Decatur silt loam, DCD was less potent to nitrapyrin as a nitrification inhibitor. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |