Abstrakt: |
Decorative printed maps of the 15Th to 18Th centuries. A revised edition of Old decorative maps and charts by A. L. Humphreys. By R. A. Skelton. London‐New York. 1952. 80 p. 84 plates, of which 12 in colours. “The World Encompassed”—Catalogue Of An exhibition of the history of maps, held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, October‐November, 1952. Published by the Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, 1952. 60 plates. Union Géographique Internationale. Rapport de la Commission pour la Bibliographie des cartes Anciennes. Fasc. I. Rapport au XVIIe Congrès International, Washington 1952 par R. Almagià. Contributions pour un Catalogue des Cartes Manuscrites 1200–1500 éditées par M. Destombes. 1952. 63 p. Fasc. II. Catalogue des cartes Gravées au XVe siècle par Marcel Destombes. Mesnil. 1952. 95 p. The John Carter Brown Library. Providence, Rhode Island. Report to the Corporation of Brown University, July 1, 1951. Providence. 1951. 74 p. Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600–1850. An Essay on the cultural, artistic and scientific influence exercised by the Hollanders in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries by C. R. Boxer. The Hague. 2nd edit. 1950. 198 p., 17 pl. The Vienna‐Klosterneuburg Map Corpus of the Fifteenth Century. A Study of the transition from medieval to modern science. By Dana Bennet Durand. Leiden 1952. XVI ‐ 510 p. 5 figs. 23 plates. R. Almagià, Monumenta cartographica Vaticana. Vol. III. Le pitture murali della Galleria delle carte geografiche. Città del Vaticano. Biblioteca Apos‐tolica Vaticana. 1952. In folio. VIII ‐ 90 pp. LIV plates. Il Padre Vincenzo Coronelli (1650–1718) nel Terzo Centenario della Nascita (= Father Vincenzo Coronelli (1650–1718) in the Third Centenary of his Birth). Roma. 1951–1952. 525 pp., 40 plates. Bo Bramsen. Gamle Danmarks Kort. An historical review with bibliographic comments for the epoch 1570–1770. Copenhagen. 1952. 159 p. Ills. Etude historique sur les ingénieurs hydrographes et le service hydrographique de la marine (1814‐1914) par M. Maurice Rollet de L'Isle. Annales hydrographiques. 1950. 4e ser. T.I. (bis). Paris. 1951. 378 p. XXII Pls. A List of Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era. By George H. Beans. Tall Tree Library Publication no. 23; Jenkiniown, Pa., 1951. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |