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John Coakley and Michael Gallagher (eds), Politics in the Republic of Ireland 3rd edition. Routledge, in association with PSAI Press, 1999; xviii + 398 pp; 0415221943 (pb) £15.99 Richard B. Finnegan and Edward T. McCarron, Ireland: Historical Echoes, Contemporary Politics. Westview Press, 2000; 0813332478, npg Eammon Slater and Michel Peillon (eds), Memories of the Present: A Sociological Chronicle of Ireland, 1997–1998. Institute of Public Administration, 2000; 280pp; 1902448294 (pb) £19 Jim Dooge and Ruth Barrington (eds), A Vital National Interest: Ireland in Europe 1973–98. Institute of Public Administration, in association with the European Movement, 1999; i‐xx + 358pp; 1902448227 (pb) IR£20.00 Wolfgang C Müller and Kaare Strom (eds), Policy, Office, or Votes? How political parties in western Europe make hard decisions. Cambridge University Press, 1999; xii+319 pp; 0521631351 (hb) £35.00 Richard Vincent Comerford and Enda Delaney (eds), National Questions Reflections on Daniel O'Connell and Contemporary Ireland. Wolfhound Press, 2000; 111 pp; 0863278132 (hb) £15.99 David Miller, Citizenship and National Identity, Polity Press, 2000; 224pp; 0745623948 (pb) £14.99. Fergus O'Ferrall, Citizenship and Public Service: Voluntary and Statutory Relationships in Irish Healthcare, The Adelaide Hospital Society, 2000; 321pp; npg Joseph Dunne, Attracta Ingram and Frank Litton (eds), Questioning Ireland: Debates in Political Philosophy and Public Policy. Institute of Public Administration, 2000; 272pp; 1902448340 (pb) £25.00 Desmond M. Clarke and Charles Jones, The Rights of Nations: Nations and Nationalism in a Changing World. Cork University Press, 1999; 208 pp; 1859182070 (pb) £14.95 Bill McSweeney, Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of International Relations. Cambridge University Press, 1999; 239pp; 0521661773 (hbk) £35 Thomas Hennessey, Dividing Ireland: World War 1 and Partition. Routledge, 1998, 0415174201 (pb) £19.00. Senia Paseta, Before the Revolution: Nationalism, Social Change and Ireland's Catholic Elite, 1879–1922. Cork University Press, 1999; 204pp; 1859182267 (hb) £35,1859182275 (pb) £15.95 Patrick Maume, The Long Gestation: Irish Nationalist Life 1891–1918. Gill and Macmillan, 1999; 340pp; 0717127443 (hb) £19.99. John M. Regan, The Irish Counter‐Revolution 1921–1936: Treatyite Politics in Independent Ireland. Gill and Macmillan, 1999; 475pp; 0717129004 (hbk) £19.99 Maurice Manning, James Dillon: A Biography. Wolfhound Press, 1999; x + 432pp; 0863277470 (hb); IR£25.00 Michael Kennedy, Division and Consensus: The Politics of Cross‐Border Relations in Ireland, 1925–1969. Institute of Public Administration, 2000; 422pp; 1902448308 (pb) £35.00 Brian Girvin and Geoffrey Roberts (eds), Ireland and the Second World War: Politics, Society and Remembrance. Four Courts Press, 2000; 186pp 1851824979 (pb) 17.50. Bernadette Whelan, Ireland and the Marshall plan, 1947–57. Four Courts Press, 2000; 426pp; 1851825177 (hb) £39.50 Michael Kennedy and Joseph Morrison Skelly, Irish Foreign Policy, 1919–1966: From Independence to Internationalism. Four Courts Press, 2000; 350pp; 1851824049 (hb) £39.50 Gillian McIntosh, The force of Culture: Unionist Identities in Twentieth Century Ireland, Cork University Press, 1999; x + 245 pp; 1859182054 (pb) £14.99. Karen McElrath, Unsafe Haven: The Untied States, The IRA and Political Prisoners. Pluto Press, 2000; 164pp; 0745313175 (pb) £12.99. Joanne Hughes, Colin Knox, Michael Murray, Jonathan Greer, Partnership Governance in Northern Ireland: The Path to Peace. Oak Tree Press, 1998; 269pp; 1860761046 (pb) £16.95 Stephen Howe, Ireland and Empire: Colonial Legacies in Irish History and Culture. Oxford University Press, 334pp; 0198208251 (pb) £25 Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd, After the Good Friday Agreement: analysing political‐change in Northern Ireland. University College Dublin Press, 1999; 223pp, 1900621266 (pb) £15.95. Graham Ellison and Jim Smyth, The Crowned Harp: policing Northern Ireland. Pluto Press, 2000; 218pp; 074531398 (pb) £14.99. John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary, Policing Northern Ireland: proposals for a new start. Blackstaff, 1999; 146pp; 0856406481 (pb) £11. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |