The oxygen-release capacity of red blood cells in insulin-dependent diabetics after artificial pancreas.

Autor: Torella, Roberto, Giunta, Riccardo, Scognamiglio, Giuseppe, Giugliano, Dario, Pinto, Paolo, Ceriello, Antonio, Grandillo, Franco
Zdroj: Acta Diabetologica Latina; 1984, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p281-286, 6p
Abstrakt: Oxygen-release capacity of the red blood cells was investigated in non-acidotic insulin-dependent diabetics before and after the achievement of strict metabolic control with the aid of the artificial pancreas. Pstd (oxygen tension at 50% oxygen saturation) values were low in basal condition and returned to normal after the 24-h treatment period. No significant changes were observed in the content of red cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate nor in the acid-base balance. Only the labile form of glycosylated hemoglobin showed significant decreases after treatment. These results suggest that insulin-dependent diabetics may have a state of relative tissue hypoxia which can be easily overcome by the achievement of strict metabolic control. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index