Analysis of single-unit firing patterns in multi-unit intrafascicular recordings.

Autor: Goodall, E., Horch, K., McNaughton, T., Lybbert, C., Goodall, E V, Horch, K W, McNaughton, T G, Lybbert, C M
Zdroj: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing; 1993, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p257-267, 11p
Abstrakt: A system for extracting single-unit activity patterns from multi-unit neural recordings was tested using real and simulated neural data. The system provided reliable estimates of firing frequency for individual units in simulated multi-unit data and allowed reliable determinations of the responses of individual cutaneous mechanoreceptor units to 'natural' stimuli such as brushing or pressing on the skin. An implementation of the system, which operated online and in real time, was used to obtain estimates of multiple, single-unit responses from multi-unit intrafascicular electrode recordings. The pattern of activity across the population of units in a given recording gave a reliable indication of the type of stimulus that had evoked the activity. It was concluded that this system, used in combination with intrafascicular peripheral nerve recordings, could be used to provide online, real-time information about peripheral stimuli. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index