Morphology and physiology of giant fibres in the seventh abdominal ganglion of the Scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes.

Autor: Yellamma, K, Murali Mohan, P, Sasira Babu, K
Zdroj: Proceedings. Animal Sciences; 1980, Vol. 89 Issue 1, p29-38, 10p
Abstrakt: The morphology of giant fibres in the last metasomatic ganglion of the scorpion, Heterometrus fulvipes, was studied by anatomical methods, making use of cobalt chloride back-filling of the 5th metasomatic segmental nerve. The pattern of activation of these giant fibres was examined by electrophysiological methods. The functional organisation of these giant fibres is supposed to bear significance with reference to the neural and muscular activity of the last metasomatic segment and the consequent movement of the stinger, and is thus of survival value to the animal. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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