Photochemical conversions of lower aldehydes in aqueous solutions and in fog.

Autor: Pavlovskaya, T., Telegina, T.
Zdroj: Origins of Life; 1974, Vol. 5 Issue 3/4, p303-309, 7p
Abstrakt: One of the possible paths of abiogenic synthesis of biologically important compounds on primordial Earth, as well as under extraterrestrial conditions, might have been the photochemical conversions of polyatomic organic molecule detected at present in the interstellar medium and in cosmic bodies. The important contribution from lower aldehydes is emphasized. Experimental results show that amino acids, peptide-like compounds, N-heterocyclic compounds, etc., are formed by UV irradiation (254 nm) of aqueous solutions either of formaldehyde, or of acetaldehyde with ammonium nitrate. UV-irradiated fog of the same composition yields aminoacids, mostly glycine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index