Dielectrical Spectroscopy of Canine Myocardium During Acute Ischemia and Hypoxia at Frequency Spectrum From 100 kHz to 6 GHz.

Autor: Semenov, Serguei Y., Svenson, Robert H., Posukh, Vitaly G., Nazarov, Alexei G., Sizov, Yuri E., Bulyshev, Alexander E., Souvorov, Alexander E., Chen, Wendy, Kasell, Jackie, Tatsis, George P.
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging; Jun2002, Vol. 21 Issue 6, p703, 5p, 4 Graphs
Abstrakt: Deals with a study which evaluated the ability of dielectrical spectroscopy to detect both ischemic and nonischemic causes of altered myocardial properties in the whole animal heart by interventions known to change tissue properties. Changes in the complex dielectric permittivity; Description of the animal procedure and the use of dielectric spectroscopy method.
Databáze: Complementary Index