Analysis and Stabilization of Failing Earth Dam Founded on Claystone.

Autor: Deschamps, R. J., Hynes, C. S., Wigh, R.
Zdroj: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; Nov99, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p143, 9p
Abstrakt: A minor slide occurred in the downstream face of an earth dam. Initial observations and limited optical survey data suggested the failure was shallow, but continued measurements from inclinometers in the embankment and survey monuments, as well as visual observations of deformation patterns, revealed a more extensive and severe failure located in the underlying weathered claystone foundation. Deep inclinometers were installed, and inclinometer readings indicated that approximately 1 cm per day of movement was occurring along a very discrete zone in the foundation. Horizontal survey measurements confirmed this displacement, and an emergency soil buttress was constructed at the toe of the dam to reduce movement. The residual strength along the slip surface was estimated by back analysis of the sliding block, assuming a safety factor of 1.0 and incorporating end restraint to assess the lower-bound residual strength. The remediation scheme included installation of an internal drainage system and a soil buttress. Postconstruction monitoring shows that the dam is continuing to move at a decreasing rate and is apparently approaching static equilibrium. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index