Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare: An Exploratory Cross-Discipline Comparison of Enhancers and Barriers.

Autor: Asadoorian, Joanna, Hearson, Brenda, Satyanarayana, Satyendra, Ursel, Jane
Zdroj: Journal for Healthcare Quality: Promoting Excellence in Healthcare; May/Jun2010, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p15-22, 8p
Abstrakt: In order to improve health outcomes, healthcare providers need to base practice on current evidence. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and compare the understanding and experiences with evidence-based practice (EBP) in three different disciplines. Researchers conducted individual interviews with psychiatrists, nurses, and dental hygienists. The majority of study participants demonstrated an understanding of EBP and were able to identify enhancers and barriers to implementing EBP. Using a grounded theory approach, several major themes acting as enhancers and barriers to EBP emerged and revealed both differences and similarities within and across the three health disciplines. While saturation was not attempted, this exploratory research is important in contributing to understanding the cultural practice milieu in relation to individual characteristics in implementing evidence into practice with the overall aim of improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index