Posterior Mediastinal Thymus: Case Report and Literature Review.

Autor: Lihua Jiang, Baiping Sun, Yulong Zheng, Lizhong Du
Zdroj: Iranian Journal of Pediatrics; Sep2011, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p404-408, 5p, 4 Black and White Photographs, 1 Chart
Abstrakt: Background: The incidence of aberrant thymus in the posterior mediastinum is very uncommon. It is difficult to exclude malignancy before surgical procedure. Case Presentation: In a six-month-old male coughing for two weeks prior to admission a posterior mediastinal mass was found incidentally by chest roentgenogram. Thoracotomy was performed. Histologic study revealed normal thymic tissue. Conclusion: When a mass located in the posterior mediastinum, ectopic thymus should be included in differential diagnosis. Imaging techniques may spare thoracotomy. Ectopic thymus has a benign clinical course, and surgical resection is not recommended. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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