Book Reviews.

Autor: Cox, Deborah L., Daniel, Jessica Henderson, Brown, Theresa J., Bondurant, Barrie, Donat, Patricia L.N., Raag, Tarja, Citrin, Laura B., Fredrickson, Barbara, Muehlenhard, Charlene L., Peterson, Zoe, McKinley, Nita Mary
Zdroj: Psychology of Women Quarterly; Mar2001, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p77, 12p
Abstrakt: Books reviewed: Jack, Dana Crowley, Behind the Mask: Destruction and Creativity inWomen's Aggression . Brown, Lyn Mikel, Raising Their Voices: The Politics of Girls' Anger . Cohn, Samuel, Discrimination at Work . Denmark, Florence, Rabinowitz, Vita, and Sechzer, Jeri, Engendering Psychology: Bringing Women Into Focus . Matlin, Margaret, The Psychology of Women . Crawford, Mary and Unger, Rhoda, Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology . Eckes, Thomas and Trautner, Hanns M. (eds.), The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender . Fischer, Agneta H. (ed.), Gender and Emotion: Social Psychological Perspectives . Harway, Michéle and O'Neil, James M., What Causes Men's Violence Against Women? Johnson, Norine G., Roberts, Michael C., and Worell, Judith (eds.), Beyond Appearance: A New Look at Adolescent Girls . Lee, Wanda M.L., An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling . Jenkins, Yvonne M., Diversity in College Settings: Directives for Helping Professionals . Powell, Gary N., Handbook of Gender and Work [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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