New experimental method for Preisach distribution identification.

Autor: Cerchez, M., Bissell, P. R., Stancu, Al.
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics; 5/15/2002 Part 1, 2 & 3, Vol. 91 Issue 10, p7654, 3p, 1 Chart, 6 Graphs
Abstrakt: A mixed (parametric/nonparametric) method to identify the Preisach distribution of particulate recording media is presented. The algorithm is tested on computer-generated data and is applied to Ba-Fe random oriented recording media. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. We show that the Preisach distribution may not always be accurately described by analytical functions and that a discrete Preisach distribution could be used for better agreement between the simulations and the experimental data for complex magnetization processes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index