Submillimeter-wave spectra of HCS and DCS.

Autor: Habara, Hideta, Yamamoto, Satoshi, Amano, Takayoshi
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical Physics; 6/1/2002, Vol. 116 Issue 21, p9232, 7p, 4 Charts, 4 Graphs
Abstrakt: The a-type R-branch K[sub -1]=0 rotational transitions of the HCS and DCS radicals have been measured in the frequency range of 161 to 644 GHz using source modulation spectrometers. For DCS, the seven fine and hyperfine components of the 1[sub 01]-0[sub 00] rotational transition are also measured at 35 GHz using a Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectrometer. The spectra are found to be perturbed by the K[sub -1]=1 state through the off-diagonal spin-rotation interaction (∈[sub ab] + ∈[sub ba]) (N[sub a]S[sub b] + S[sub b]N[sub a] + N[sub b]S[sub a] + S[sub a]N[sub b]). In particular for DCS, strong perturbations are observed. The rotational constants, A, B+C, and B-C, of DCS are determined through an analysis of the perturbation. The r[sub 0] structure of HCS has been determined as follows: r[sub 0](CH)=1.079(3) Å, r[sub 0](CS)=1.56228(3) Å, and α[sub 0](HCS)=132.8(3)°. The quasilinearity parameter, γ[sub 0] is evaluated to be 0.80 for DCS, indicating that HCS is not a simple bent molecule. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index