Alcohol, cardiorespiratory function and work performance.

Autor: Bond, V., Franks, B. D., Howley, E. T.
Zdroj: British Journal of Sports Medicine; Sep1984, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p203-206, 4p
Abstrakt: Twelve males (six moderate drinkers and six abstainers) were studied for the influence of varying dosages of alcohol on cardiorespiratory function and work performance. The subjects underwent three separate maximal exercise tests which consisted of progressive workloads on the bicycle ergometer. Prior to each work bout the subject consumed either a placebo (0.0, small (0.44, or a moderate (0.88 dose of a 95 per cent ethanol solution. Analysis of the results indicated that the ingestion of a small or moderate amount of alcohol had no significant effect on heart rate, blood pressure, ventilation, oxygen uptake or work performance. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index