Self-organization of crown-containing hetarylphenylethenes, phthalic acid, and potassium cations into supramolecular assemblies.

Autor: Fedorov, Yu., Chernikova, E., Peregudov, A., Shepel', N., Gulakova, E., Kuz'mina, L., Fedorova, O.
Zdroj: Russian Chemical Bulletin; Feb2011, Vol. 60 Issue 2, p280-294, 15p
Abstrakt: Multicomponent molecular assemblies of 15-crown-5-containing 4-styrylpyridine with phthalic acid in the presence of potassium perchlorate were studied. The structure of the obtained complicated assemblies was determined by H and C NMR spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy, and X-ray analysis. The composition of the supramolecular complexes was established by spectrophotometric titration, and the stability constants were calculated. The quantum yields of fluorescence for the ligand and its complexes of various nature were determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index