Analysis of global transcriptional responses of chicken following primary and secondary Eimeria acervulina infections.

Autor: Chul-Hong Kim, Lillehoj, Hyun S., Yeong-Ho Hong, Keeler, Jr, Calvin L., Lillehoj, Erik P.
Zdroj: BMC Proceedings; 2011 Supplement 2, Vol. 5 Issue Suppl 2, pS12-S15, 4p
Abstrakt: Background: Characterization of host transcriptional responses during coccidia infections can provide new clues for the development of alternative disease control strategies against these complex protozoan pathogens. Methods: In the current study, we compared chicken duodenal transcriptome profiles following primary and secondary infections with Eimeria acervulina using a 9.6K avian intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte cDNA microarray (AVIELA). Results: Gene Ontology analysis showed that primary infection significantly modulated the levels of mRNAs for genes involved in the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates as well as those for innate immune-related genes. By contrast, secondary infection increased the levels of transcripts encoded by genes related to humoral immunity and reduced the levels of transcripts for the innate immune-related genes. The observed modulation in transcript levels for gene related to energy metabolism and immunity occurred concurrent with the clinical signs of coccidiosis. Conclusions: Our results suggest that altered expression of a specific set of host genes induced by Eimeria infection may be responsible, in part, for the observed reduction in body weight gain and inflammatory gut damage that characterizes avian coccidiosis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index