Testing The High-Energy Prompt Neutron Signature At Low Beam Energies.

Autor: Thompson, Scott J., Kinlaw, Mathew T., Hunt, Alan W.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 6/1/2011, Vol. 1336 Issue 1, p483-486, 4p, 1 Diagram, 1 Chart, 3 Graphs
Abstrakt: Prompt fission neutrons continue to be examined as a signature for detecting the presence of fissionable material. This technique exploits the neutron energy limitations inherent with photonuclear emissions from non-fissionable material, allowing prompt fission neutrons to be identified and engaged for detecting nuclear material. Prompt neutron signal measurements were acquired with bremsstrahlung endpoint energies of 6 MeV for 18 targets comprised of both fissionable and non-fissionable material; delayed neutron measurements were also collected as a reference. The 238U target was also shielded with increasing thicknesses of lead or borated polyethylene to compare the resulting detection rates of the prompt and delayed fission neutron signals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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