Autor: Ţăranu, T., Poeată, I., Păduraru, D., Eşanu, Anda, Nedelcu, A.H., Farcaş, Delia, Indrei, Anca
Zdroj: Romanian Journal of Functional & Clinical, Macro & Microscopical Anatomy & of Anthropology / Revista Româna de Anatomie Functionala si Clinica, Macro si Microscopica si de Antropologie; Jan2011, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p97-108, 12p, 19 Color Photographs, 6 Black and White Photographs
Abstrakt: The anterior cranial fossa and basal skull trauma with intranasal osteo dural fluid fistula (Abstract): The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the anatomy of the anterior cranial fossa using lamina cribrosa and planum sfenoidalae as anatomic support for a post-trauma intranasal osteo-dural fistula in the basal skull. Materials and methods . we assessed the macroscopic anatomy of the anterior cranial fossa using 30 inner faces of skull sections and 10 corpses subjected to necropsy at the .Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu. Clinical Hospital of Iasi; we exemplified 4 of the 30 files of patients with craniofacial and anterior basal skull traumas and we presented 2 clinical cases of posttraumatic intranasal osteo-dural fistula developed in 24, respectively 16 months after the initial incident. Results . the anterior cranial fossa presented the following peculiarities: in one case, the left orbital area was centrally dehiscent; the lamina cribrosa had a rectangular shape in 8 cases, with the posterior edge ventrally concave in 4 cases and cross-sectional /diagonally linear in 2 cases, trigonal in 13 (4 symmetric and 5 asymmetric for the right/left olfactory fossas), with oval shape in 9 cases (6 with orbital notch); the lamina cribrosa was of 18-36mm length, 2.5-6mm width and 2-5mm depth; we recorded 44-68 non- -systemized dispersed olfactory foramina in 25 cases and olfactory foramina in sagittal parallel lines in 5 cases; the sides of crista galli were globular in 4 cases, the crest was sharp in 16 cases and blunt in 14 situations, the anterior edge had the classical shape in 22 cases and an asymmetric rectangular spatular form in 8 cases, and the posterior edge was concave with flexural course (5 to the right, 3 to the left); the anterior part of the sphenoid limbus was concave in 21 cases; at the dissection we had a situation with the olfactory tent missing on both sides, in 6 cases it presented a symmetric oval form and in 3 cases it was oval asymmetric and antimere trigonal, respectively; the dural aperture was 12-18mm length, 2-4mm width and 1.5-4mm depth; in 4 cases, the posterior margin was transparent and concave to the right. The 4 selected files with CT images presented various types of associated craniofacial and basal skull fractures and each of the selected clinical cases presented an osteo-dural fistula; in the first case the fistula on an unknown congenital meningocele was occult and the other one had an occult form with randomly occlusive fibrous tissue up to the second trauma, with no frontal bone lesion but with sphenoid fracture on the right side, both presenting intermittent cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Conclusions . the basal skull.s relative fragility mainly imposes the protection of the cephalic extremity whenever possible (skiing, cycling, car races, American football, etc.) because the brain skull trauma is the leading cause of death and invalidity in the world. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index