Optically written solid-state lasers with broadly tunable mode emission based on improved poly (2,5-dialkoxy-phenylene-vinylene).

Autor: Kranzelbinder, G., Toussaere, E., Zyss, J., Pogantsch, A., List, E. W. J., Tillmann, H., Ho¨rhold, H.-H.
Zdroj: Applied Physics Letters; 2/4/2002, Vol. 80 Issue 5, p716, 3p, 4 Graphs
Abstrakt: We report an optical written distributed feedback (DFB) structure with broadly and continuously tunable mode emission (Δλ=30 nm) based on polycondensation-type poly[2methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene] (MEH–PPV). In a Lloyd-mirror configuration we realize first-order feedback by dynamic photoinduced in-plane gratings, which can also be imprinted permanently. This technique is a versatile fabrication tool for polymeric DFB laser structures while also providing an efficient method to probe the lasing performance of organic solid-state laser materials. Furthermore, features of the photoinduced absorption spectra of improved MEH–PPV indicate favorable material properties towards further homopolymer solid-state laser applications. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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