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Abstract: The rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity in the last decade indicates a need for effective treatment programs. We conducted a short-term, repeated-measures, clinical-outcome trial in three groups of children and adolescents in two different locations. Two cohorts (n34) were enrolled in a 36-wk multi-disciplinary weight-management program at the Children's Hospital of New Orleans. One cohort (n 16) was enrolled in a similar intervention at the General Clinical Re-search Center (GCRC) at the Medical Center of Louisiana for a 10-wk summer weight-loss program. Subjects were offered a protein-sparing modified fast (PSMF) diet (600--800 kcal:d; 2 g protein:kg body weight), followed by a balanced hypocaloric diet, and they participated in behavior-modification sessions and a moderate-intensity (45--55% vol-ume of oxygen consumed at maximal effort [VO2 max]), progressive exercise program. The following parameters were examined at baseline, 10 wk, and 36 wk (cohort 1 only): Weight, height, percentage of ideal body weight (%IBW), relative body fat (%fat), fat free body (FFB) mass, estimated VO2 max mL:kg min BW [adjusted for body weight]), blood chemistries, lipid profiles (total cholesterol [TC], triglycerides [TG], low-density lipoprotein [LDL], high-density lipoprotein [HDL], and insulin-like growth factor-1 [IGF-1]). All three groups experienced significant decreases in weight, %IBW and %fat at 10 wk. The weight loss was maintained at 26 wk in cohorts 1 and 2, and at 36 wk in cohort 1. There were no significant decreases in height velocity during the study. In addition, measures of estimated VO2 max mL:kg:min BW and IGF-1 parameters were significantly greater at 10 wk compared to base-line. Measures of TC, TG, and LDL were significantly lower at 10 wk, with no significant changes noted in HDL. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |