Abstrakt: |
Lup. much […] past mastur pole I have desyryd wyth you movyd therto by the frenchyp & famylyaryte, wych of youth growyng betwyx us, ys now so by vertue confyrmyd, that nature hathe not so sure a band & knot, to coupul & joyne any hartys togyddur in true love & amyte, wherfor I am ryght glad mastur pole that I have here found you both as me semyth at convenyent leser to commyn & talke * & also in thys place of Bysham, where as the image & memory of your old aunceturys schal as I trust styr & morre your mynd to * purpos that I wold , p * but what ys that gud mastur lup. that you seme so ernystely to wyl, Hyt apperyth to be some grete mater <& weyghty>, .Lup troth hyt ys a grete mater in dede & touchyng the hole ordur of your lyfe , & schortly to schow you , thus hyt ys. I have much & many tymys marvelyd wyth my selfe, why aftur so many yerys spent in quyet studys of letturys <& lernyng>, & such experyence of the manerys of man <, taken> in dyvers partyss beyond the see, have not settylyd your selfe, […] applyd your mynd to the handelyng of the materys of the commyn wele that, your frendys & cuntrey myght now at the last *receyve & take some frute of your studys , you know ryght wel that to thys al men are borne >& of nature brought forth, to commyn such gyftys as be to them gyven, ychone to the profyt of other, in perfayt cyvylyte>, & not to lyve to theyr owne plesure & […] wyth […] regard of the wele of theyr cuntrey [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |