Electromyographic analysis of elbow function in tennis players.

Autor: Morris, Michael, Jobe, Frank W., Perry, Jacquelin, Pink, Marilyn, Healy, Bitte S.
Zdroj: American Journal of Sports Medicine; Mar1989, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p241-247, 7p
Abstrakt: Muscle activity about the elbow during tennis strokes in nine professional and collegiate level players was studied using indwelling EMG and high speed photog raphy. Eight muscles were evaluated for the serve, forehand, and backhand strokes. The serve was di vided into six stages and the ground strokes into four stages. EMG tracings were subjected to analog-to- digital conversion and a relative measure of quantity was obtained. Analysis of variance and Tukey tests were then done to assess statistical significance (P < 0.05).The ground strokes showed low activity in all muscles tested during the preparation phase. During the accel eration phase, both the backhand and forehand showed a generalized increase in all muscle activity. Both strokes showed marked activity of the wrist extensors and, in addition, the forehand showed high activity in the brachialis and biceps. In the follow-through phase, there was a generalized decrease in muscle activity.The serve showed low activity in all muscles tested during the wind-up phase. The wrist extensors in creased their activity in the cocking phase, with marked activity in late cocking. The pronator teres and the triceps showed increased activity in the acceleration phase. Follow-through phase showed low muscle activ ity except for the biceps, which increased in late follow- through.In conclusion, the muscles of the elbow help stabilize the elbow as a unit during the ground strokes in these high level players. Power in the serve comes from increased activity in the triceps and pronator teres. The predominant activity of the wrist extensors in all strokes may be one explanation for predisposition to injury. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index