Abstrakt: |
Creasable wrinkle-resistant cotton print cloths were prepared by crosslinking with dimethyloldihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) in the presence of phosphorylating agents as catalysts and reactants. These fabrics were wrinkle resistant and, because of the catalytic action of the acidic phosphoryl groups present, could be given creases which were durable to laundering. The treatments were applied by a conventional laboratory pad-dry-cure technique. Fabric treated with the DMDHEU-sodium dihydrogen phosphate combination had a conditioned warp wrinkle recovery angle of 134° and retained 60% of its warp' breaking strength. Creases, which were excellent after five launderings, could be developed in this fabric after a mildly acidic rinse and ironing or pressing. A fabric treated with the DMDHEU-sodium hexametaphosphate combination had a warp conditioned wrinkle recovery angle of 136° and retained 55% of its breaking strength. Creases developed in this fabric also were excellent after laundering. Effects of process variables, such as concentration of phosphorylating agent, curing time and temperature, and added softener, are described, and creasing conditions and variables are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] |