Autor: Welsby, P.D., Jansen, Karl, Chappatte, Oliver, Bewley, Susan, Beckingham, Ian, Razis, Platon, English, Richard, Paton, Alex, Dolk, H., De Wals, P., Lechat, M.F., Mills, Alex, Brown, Norman, Millard, Peter H., Rai, G.S., Searle, John, Forfar, John O., Coakley, J.H.
Zdroj: BMJ: British Medical Journal (International Edition); 6/24/89, Vol. 298 Issue 6689, p1708, 6p, 1 Graph
Abstrakt: Focuses on several correspondence on medicine in Great Britain. Physiological explanation for near-death experiences; Absence of carbon dioxide effect on the minimum alveolar concentration; Sexual behavior of men with testicular cancer.
Databáze: Complementary Index