Thrombocytosis associated with enoxaparin: A very rare cause in newborns.

Autor: Tonbul, Alparslan, Uras, Nurdan, Tayman, Cuneyt, Halici, Tugba, Polat, Azız, Mansur Tatlı, Mustafa
Zdroj: Platelets; Jun2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p300-302, 3p
Abstrakt: Newborn infants are most vulnerable to the development of thrombosis because of the developing neonatal hemostatic system, perinatal risk factors and different types of medical conditions. Enoxaparin is the current anticoagulant of choice with advantages for the treatment of neonatal thrombosis. Thrombocytosis induced by enoxaparin has been reported as a rare adverse effect of this medication in adults. However, to our knowledge, in newborns there have been no reported cases to date of thrombocytosis induced by enoxaparin. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index