Autor: Brocklehurst, J.C., Mooney, Gavin, Russell, Elizabeth, Dingwall-Fordyce, I., Leslie, S.T., Miller, R.B., Boroda, C., Robertson, J.S., Wilson, John B., Thomas, Meirion, Cameron, Alan, Morrison, Andrew, Booth, J.B., Kerr, A.G., Smyth, G.D.L., Wilmot, T.J., Brown, H.M., Chaterjee, S.S.
Zdroj: British Medical Journal; 2/5/1977, Vol. 1 Issue 6057, p374, 10p, 1 Chart, 1 Graph
Abstrakt: Focuses on issues of medicine in Europe. Effect of intralipid on color of blood; Derivation of neonatal respiratory intensive care at local level; Rarity of non-accidental penetrating injury in child abuse.
Databáze: Complementary Index