Viscoelastic behavior of 1,3,5 tri alpha-naphthyl benzene (will the real TalphaNB please stand up).

Autor: Plazek, Donald J., Magill, Joseph H., Echeverria, I., In-Chul Chay
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical Physics; 6/1/1999, Vol. 110 Issue 21, p10445, 7p
Abstrakt: Reports on the acknowledgement of the mistaken identity of 1,3-bis (1-naphthyl)-5-(2-naphthyl) benzene for 1,3,5-tris (1-naphthyl) benzene and its viscosities and recoverable creep compliances above glass temperature. Occurrence of structural changes with the material drifting towards an equilibrium state.
Databáze: Complementary Index