Stent Marker Materials for Computerized Tomograph-Assisted Implant Planning.

Autor: Borrow, James W., Smith, Justin P.
Zdroj: International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry; Feb1996, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p60-67, 8p
Abstrakt: This article analyzes different materials incorporated as markers in stents worn by patients undergoing a multiplanar reformatted computerized tomography (MRCT) study of the dental arch for implant placement planning, Forty-five patients were scanned with marked stents. The type of material used for stent markers was evaluated for visibility; ease of analysis in relation to the alveolar ridge crest and adjacent teeth, other markers, or restorations; and relative to its applicability as a presurgical guide. The advantages or disadvantages of each type at marker were discussed. The clinician should be aware of the variety of marker materials available and of the advantages and disadvantages associated with each to optimize the use of the mutiplanar reformatted computerized tomography in implant placement planning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index