Illnesses and Injuries Related to Total Release Foggers -- Eight States, 2001-2006.

Autor: Wheeler, K., Kass, D., Hoffman, R. S., Lackovic, M., Mitchell, Y., Barrett, R., Morrissey, B., Mehler, L., Diebolt-Brown, B., Waltz, J., Schwartz, A., Calvert, G. M., Luckhaupt, S. E.
Zdroj: MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report; 10/17/2008, Vol. 57 Issue 41, p1125-1129, 5p, 3 Charts
Abstrakt: The article reports on illnesses and injuries that were associated with exposures to total release foggers (TRF), the pesticide products designed to fill an area with insecticide. A total of 466 TRF-related illnesses or injuries were identified during 2001-2006 in eight U.S. states, including California, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Texas and Washington. It outlines ways by which the risk of TRF-related health effects would be reduced or prevented.
Databáze: Complementary Index