Research on 19th Century Legislatures: Present Contours and Future Directions.

Autor: Thompson, Margaret Susan, Silbey, Joel H.
Zdroj: Legislative Studies Quarterly; May84, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p319-350, 32p, 1 Chart
Abstrakt: Conventional research in the history of legislatures has been abundant but unsystematic and incomplete. An empirical, social science tradition has developed recently, however, most strikingly in the study of the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century U.S. Congress and state legislatures. Systematic roll-call, biographical, and constituency analysis of those bodies suggests a political universe different from that of our own time, one in which strong partisan forces powerfully defined behavior and outlook. In addition, there was limited development of internal institutional structures and other elements that define modern legislatures. The extension of this research into other areas of legislative history and the building of organizing models and middle-range explanatory theories are the next tasks in this area of scholarship. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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