Extramarital Affairs: Basic Considerations and Essential Tasks in Clinical Work.

Autor: De Stefano, Jack, Oala, Monica
Zdroj: Family Journal; Jan2008, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p13-19, 7p
Abstrakt: Among heterosexual couples extramarital affairs are common and they occur with regular frequency. In the short term, the discovery of an affair generally precludes a crisis for both partners and where this is not resolved, negative longer-term effects can be expected. in this article we discuss a number of key issues that have implications for practitioners working with these individuals and couples. At some point in their professional lives all counselors will encounter the dilemmas and challenges associated with a client's infidelity and they will therefore want to keep up-to-date about clinical and empirical developments. In addition to a discussion of the relevant literature, we highlight three specific aspects of working with individuals and couples that are an inherent part of this work. The three areas of handling disclosures, dealing with traumatic reactions, and fostering forgiveness are seen as unavoidable features of working with the complexities of marital infidelity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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