Molecule-based Micro-Macro Methods for Complex Fluids.

Autor: Laso, M., Ramírez, J., Foteinopoulou, K., Coldren, F., Bermejo, R., Prieto, J. L., Romero, I., Jimeno, N., Muneta, M. L.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2007, Vol. 907 Issue 1, p1490-1495, 6p, 1 Diagram, 3 Graphs
Abstrakt: Micro-macro methods combine continuum-mechanical discretization techniques and stochastic models of polymer dynamics. This merger of scale-separated techniques has proved useful in a wide variety of cases. Its range of applicability is expanding continually. In addition, improvements over the original scheme are appearing with increasing frequency. New sophisticated techniques make it now possible to tackle a wide range of non-newtonian fluid mechanical problems including improved variance reduction, Eulerian treatment of integral constitutive equations free surfaces, adaptive configurational fields, fully implicit and split-operatore time-stepping schemes and 3D calculations. Furthermore, since micro-macro methods bypass the limitations imposed on purely continuummechanical methods by the need of a closed, analytical CE’s, they have as a side effect contributed to an increase in activity in the development of advanced dynamic and micro-structural models and algorithms. The present contribution gives an overview of recent methodological developments and of specific applications to complex fluis. © 2007 American Institute of Physics [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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