Contemporary Homeschooling, Persistent Debates, and the Need for a New Generation of Research.

Autor: Hamlin, Daniel
Zdroj: Journal of School Choice; Oct-Dec2024, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p697-712, 16p
Abstrakt: Homeschooling has grown into a large and highly diverse segment of American education. However, empirical studies of homeschooling have remained methodologically underdeveloped. The purpose of this article is to chart an agenda for a new generation of research on homeschooling. A narrative review of quantitative research published since 2000 is undertaken to identify gaps in the current evidence base. This review indicated that prior work is generally limited by small samples, uniform operationalizing of homeschool practice, and cross-sectional data sources. This article then concludes by describing strategies that researchers can use to address the limitations of previous studies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index