Harmonising liability: exploring carrier responsibilities in transportation contracts and their application to autonomous vehicle services under the UAE Law.

Autor: Hussein, Shuq, Muhammad, Nasiruddeen, Al-Ahmad, Hussain, Mukhtar, Husameldin, Rababa, Mohammad, Amin, Saad, Schafer, Burkhard, Shabab, Eman Abu
Zdroj: Law, Innovation & Technology; Dec2024, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p741-776, 36p
Abstrakt: This article introduces the challenges presented in establishing governance of autonomous vehicles, dealing with questions of liability, where domestic law needs to cohere with international transport conventions, Islamic jurisprudence, Supreme Court jurisprudence, and technical safety standards. The primary objective of the article is to assess the applicability of established legal norms governing carrier liability in traditional road transport contracts in the United Arab Emirates. These legal tenets, rooted in Islamic jurisprudence and drawn from historical sources such as the 'Al-Ahkam Al-Adliya Journal,' constitute the foundation of civil law in numerous Arab countries, including the Arab Gulf States, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and others. Melding legal and technical perspectives, this study provides legal insights for judges, arbitrators, and legal practitioners, and offers solutions to the liability challenges that may arise when autonomous vehicles begin operating on UAE streets or any other Arab country. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index