Awareness of Chief Minister's Kaushal Karnataka Yojane in Mysuru city: An Evaluation.

Autor: H. R., Arpitha, Pramila, A. C.
Zdroj: Library of Progress-Library Science, Information Technology & Computer; Jul-Dec2024, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p710-721, 12p
Abstrakt: The study examines awareness of the Chief Minister's Kaushalya Karnataka Yojane (CMKKY) Programme among 198 respondents using a structured questionnaire. The objectives were to assess the level of awareness regarding various aspects of CMKKY-eligibility criteria, benefits, application process, sorces and to identify the demographic factors influencing awareness. Likert scale was employed to gather responses, and statistical tools like frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, chi-square tests were used for data analysis. Judgmental stratified sampling method is used to select the respondents for the study. The researchers suggest to create moderate to high levels of awareness about the Programme's general objectives, with significant gaps in specific areas like eligibility criteria and support services. To enhance awareness, the study recommends more targeted outreach and promotional activities. In conclusion, the CMKKY Programme needs to focus on improving communication about its offerings and benefits to increase participation and effectiveness. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index