Batteries Contribution Assessment for Optimal Self-Sufficiency in Large Building Complexes †.

Autor: Karapidakis, Emmanuel, Nikologiannis, Marios, Kikaki, Ariadni, Markaki, Marini, Moutsopoulou, Amalia
Zdroj: Engineering Proceedings; 2024, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p7, 12p
Abstrakt: Energy consumption in large building complexes has a specific profile, consisting of thermal energy and electricity. Due to the recent energy crises, operational costs of these needs have been significantly increased. According to EU Energies Policies, the future objective is the transition to renewable-based energy, and self-sufficient and nearly zero buildings. This paper investigates the electricity consumption profile of a specific hotel located in Crete. An algorithm has been introduced to maximize the self-sufficiency of the examined hotel. The algorithm succeeds in increasing the self-sufficiency of the hotel's energy system up to 99% by determining the PV power and battery capacity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index