Oil Palm Fiber Hybrid Composites: A Recent Review.

Autor: Aisyah, H. A., Hishamuddin, E., Noorshamsiana, A. W., Ibrahim, Z., Ilyas, R. A.
Zdroj: Journal of Renewable Materials; 2024, Vol. 12 Issue 10, p1661-1689, 29p
Abstrakt: Composite materials from oil palm fiber enhance sustainability by utilizing renewable resources, reducing dependence on non-renewable materials, and lessening environmental impact. Despite their mechanical and dimensional stability limitations, oil palm fiber-based polymer composites offer significant advantages, such as natural abundance, potential weight reduction, and cost-effectiveness due to local availability and renewability. The growing interest in oil palm hybrid composites, made from blending different fibers, is due to their customizable mechanical and physical properties. Hybridization is one of the most effective methods to reinforce and improve the performance of oil palm-derived composite materials. This review investigates the structural qualities of hybrid composites made from oil palm fibers, their suitability for diverse applications, and recent advancements in the field. By focusing on the availability, properties, applications, challenges, and future directions of oil palm fiber hybrid composites, this review highlights the potential of these materials to enhance mechanical and functional properties, thereby contributing to sustainable development and innovation in composite materials. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index