Unveiling the underlying constructs of mobile assisted language learning technological pedagogical content knowledge (MALL TPACK): development and validation of a MALL TPACK scale for EFL teachers.

Autor: Estaji, Masoomeh, Sanajou, Nasrin
Zdroj: Educational Media International; Sep2024, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p279-302, 24p
Abstrakt: In the present study, a MALL TPACK questionnaire was developed and validated based on a TPACK framework. Data were collected from 414 EFL teachers. The development of the questionnaire involved a comprehensive review of existing literature, examination of existing questionnaires, and interviews with experts. This process resulted in an initial item pool of 50 questions. The questionnaire was subsequently administered to participants, and its construct validity and reliability were assessed employing various statistical methods. Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted with a subset of 200 participants, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed with the remaining 214 participants. Additionally, the Cronbach's alpha method was employed to evaluate the reliability of the instrument. The results indicated that participants were able to identify four constructs from the original TPACK framework: Pedagogical, content, and pedagogical content knowledge, as well as TPACK. However, knowledge of technology was divided into two separate constructs: Knowing technology and using technology. As a result, a six-factor solution with 37 items was developed and confirmed as a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating MALL TPACK levels among Iranian EFL instructors. These findings have important implications for future research and in the design of teacher professional development courses in Iranian EFL contexts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index