Introduction to special issue on social media for forensic mental evaluations.

Autor: Vitacco, Michael J., Batastini, Ashley B., Felthous, Alan R.
Zdroj: Behavioral Sciences & the Law; Oct2024, Vol. 42 Issue 5, p491-494, 4p
Abstrakt: This special issue of Behavioral Sciences & the Law presents six articles that focus on various issues related to social media in forensic mental health evaluations. These eclectic articles provide updated information about social media's use and navigating difficult ethical concerns. Ranging from violence risk assessment to disability evaluations, the up‐to‐date information in this special issue allows the forensic evaluator to be more prepared when they inevitably encounter information from social media. As social media continues to grow, both in terms of overall use and the number of available platforms, forensic clinicians will need to remain cognizant of the ways these data can be appropriately utilized as collateral data. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index